DVD info and letter to Santa
Dear Dancers and Leaders of BC
The Juhala DVD called "Dancing Keeps You Young" is now a reality thanks to a lot of hard work and dedication by Lloyd and Brenda Juhala and support from the BCS&RDF and the Canadian Society. One copy for each club was given to representatives from each region and permission was given for each club to make as many copies of it as they wish. If you have not yet received your copy or if you are unable to make your own copies, contact us and we will try and help you out.
Now that the hard work of producing the DVD is over, we must turn our attention to helping everyone understand what it is all about and encouraging them to come up with creative uses for it. This letter is a start in that direction.
The content of the DVD reflects a response to recent research indicating that our best chance of success is to target the baby boomer generation (born between 1946 and 1964). We simply do not have the budget resources to make a DVD or DVDs that would appeal to everyone - families, youth, singles, gays, etc. There was a need to focus on the area where we would have our best chance at success. It is very important for the current dancing population to put aside their own beliefs and take heed to what all the research is telling us.
Many of the Boomers are now "empty nesters" who have more time available for recreation than they did during their child raising years. Research warns us however, that Boomers are not motivated in the same ways as previous generations. They think and act differently. Jim Hensely, a marketing expert involved in research done by CALLERLAB, mentioned that Boomers are "a media oriented generation brought up on the immediacy of radio and television and Kellogg's Frosted Flakes, with the sugar already on the cereal." Furthermore he pointed out that research revealed them to demand quick results, such as shorter square dance instruction periods. They are a health-conscious group and they envision themselves as up to 20 years younger than they actually are, expecting to live long. For the most part, they have no interest in taking group lessons or attending group functions. That sounds rather gloomy, doesn't it? But the most important fact in the research was, that once they are involved, they react like everyone else and come to appreciate the sense of fun and community that dancing affords. We just need to find a way to encourage them to try the activity once and to make sure their first experience is a positive one.
With this research in mind, the DVD was carefully crafted to show, in just 11 minutes, that:
* Square dancing is a healthy activity, both physically and mentally.
* It is an activity that couples can do together.
* It uses a range of music, not just old fiddle tunes.
* Square Dancing is easier to learn than social dancing.
* While square dance clothes are still used, you can participate in casual clothes.
* You will connect with others and make friends.
* Square Dancing can be fun.
This DVD accomplishes the goals that were set out. It talks directly to the Boomer who thinks that square dancing is hokey. It hits its target.
However, it is important to realize that it is not a magic wand, it is just another tool to help us. Whether it accomplishes anything in the area of recruitment and promotion is now up to the dancers, clubs and associations. They can leave the DVD on the shelf while negatively grumbling and complaining about the money spent or they can pay attention to the research and choose to be positive. They can pick up this new promotion tool, focus on its merits, brainstorm ideas, and go to work with it or they can choose not to.
When the DVD was handed out, it included a purple paper insert that gave various suggestions on how the DVD could possibly be used. If you did not receive this insert, you can print a copy off the Federation web site as mentioned below. But as Brian Elmer says, "The uses can be as big as your imagination." This is true of all the available promotion tools.
Dancers often say that word of mouth works the best and there is no need to spend money on fancy promotion tools. That was certainly true in the past but because we have had so few younger dancers joining the movement in the past 15 years, the word of mouth method of recruitment has generally resulted in people over 75 recruiting people over 75. While there is nothing wrong with that, it doesn't help us expand the age range of our dancing population by appealing to Baby Boomers as the research suggests we should. This DVD is a modern "word of mouth" tool that we can use to reach beyond our own age and social circles.
It is very difficult to get all dancers and leaders to agree on anything. We all have our own opinions but it is hoped that most dancers and leaders will find it encouraging to receive a new tool that can be added to the promotion tool box. It is important to have a variety of tools to work with because not all tools will work in every situation. Recruiting requires a positive attitude and a willingness to try new approaches. Hopefully the DVD will be of assistance.
I also hope that the dancing community is aware of the fact that the Federation has been actively trying, in other ways, to increase the promotion tools available for dancers across B.C. On the Federation web site at www.squaredance.bc.ca under the Promotion and Recruitment button can be found some results of their efforts. (If you don't have internet access, arrange for someone in your club who does have access to be your information officer.)
Some of the things that can be found there are as follows:
*Information about the ABC concept that enables those people who don't want to join a club or take lessons to try square dancing for one evening. It is not a threat to the existing club scene, it is just a way to get people to consider square dancing as a possible recreation activity even if they only do it once a year or once a month.
*Notes from Jim Hensley's speech on marketing research and results. He spoke at length at Festival 2005 in Abbotsford and these notes are worth reading and re-reading.
*Juhala DVD information - why it was produced, what it contains, how to obtain it and copies of the label and insert for printing.
*Moving and Grooving information that can be used to help schools and community groups who are interested in starting up some dancing.
*Fitness Evaluation Report - the Federation commissioned a strength and conditioning consulting firm to assess and report on the health benefits of our recreation. This was so we could have accurate facts to use on our recruiting materials. The full report is on the web site, as well as a condensed, shirt- pocket size card that you can print off for use as handouts.
*Promotional Flyers - a collection of flyers is available for you to print off as well as the offer that we will adjust them to include your specific club information if you are unable to do so yourself.
I hope that the above information helps you to better understand and support the promotion efforts of the Federation. I know they would be pleased to hear from you if you have had success in the use of any of their materials. A list of suggestions could be compiled and shared around the province.
Mary Anne Turner
Dear Santa,
How fast the year has passed. I hope it was a good one for you. My Christmas Wish List is small this year, Santa.
I want you to be sure to put the Federation Executive members and their families on your "nice" list. They have had a difficult year trying to fit their Federation duties into their busy dancing, calling, cueing and professional lives. They are volunteers, after all, and doing the best they can to promote and preserve our recreation. In spite of their best efforts, they have had to endure a lot of criticism. They could use a bit of loving, Santa.
Also, if you have time, could you put a little promotional creativity in the Christmas stocking of each dancer and leader? We all need help to come up with some new and interesting ways to use the Federation promotional materials.
And Santa, a package filled with an open mind and a willingness to try new things would be a great gift for us all.
I know that you are very busy, Santa, and you do not have the time to take a series of square dance lessons, but if you feel like dancing some time next year, contact me and I will tell you where there is an ABC dance. You can just drop in whenever you want and experience the fun of square dancing.
And Santa, if you feel that your elves need an activity that is good exercise and fun, I can send you a great DVD that will help you persuade them to try square dancing.
Thanks, Santa. Give my best to Mrs. Claus.
Mary Anne Turner
Nick and Mary Anne Turner
942 Soda Creek Road
Williams Lake, B.C.
V2G 5E4