Thursday, August 27, 2015



Start up dates are September 9th for A2 and September 10th for Plus. We welcome returnees and look forward to meeting old pals and gals once again.

You may have heard that effective January 1, 2016 the Chuckwagon's will no longer be able to offer the Plus level of dancing. Declining enrolment and funds have dictated this be done. At our August Executive meeting, following precedent established by past Executives of discontinuing levels, this decision was made. It was not made lightly.

For a number of years  A2 and the Club have been subsidizing Plus. This has not been a problem but now has become one. This past January to May period of dancing has been such that the Club has had to pick up financial losses at both levels. To continue at the present rate would mean money would be depleted in approximately three years. To give you an idea of dwindling numbers - at the A2 level alone we had 128 members listed on the Club roister in 2009, 119 in 2011 and 93 in 2014. Projecting ahead we know of long time members who will not be returning this year for various reasons and the resulting money loss problem this will cause.

At this Executive meeting it was also voted to increase nightly fees from $6 to $7 to be in line with other Clubs and no longer offer the Discounted Package deal. 

This is not the end of the Chuckwagon world. The Club will continue to exist and those at the Plus level who join will be able to do so for the compulsory insurance even though as of January no Plus dancing will be offered. In addition, the four months remaining in 2015 will allow individuals to explore available options. 

From dealing with Plus members on the Executive and the dance floor I can categorically state they are a talented and resourceful group and who knows what they can improvise for the future?

Barry & Elaine Bentley
Past Presidents acting President couple.


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