Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Speech presented by Barry Bentley, President, at the 45th Anniversary

The Chuckwagon's originated from a combining of the Wooden Wheels and the Centwirlers in September, 1969. Chuck Jordan initially took on the duties of calling for the newly formed Club.

Over the years the Club evolved to one of the largest, if not the largest in Canada with 450 or more members. We were almost able to put on our own parade during the summer Penticton Festival. We included in our agenda levels ranging from Beginners, Mainstream, Plus, A Teach, A2, Rounds and even Line Dancing. We square danced four nights a week in different halls. This was quite the accomplishment in its day and age. Our Executive used to overflow Pauline Schmidt's home which she, like the Koll's do today, graciously offered for meetings. You had to be careful because the numbers needed for each level required space. It got to the point where the only seat left if you arrived too late was the one in Pauline's ensuite. Meetings would sometimes last far into the night in order to cover the agenda. Under leaders such as Sid Gray who among other things kick started things by having a garage sale to raise needed funds, we thrived. He, along with other talents saw to it we were managed well.

And, wow! the performing talents we were able to draw under the Club's umbrella is most impressive! We were able to attract callers and cuers par none at the time even as we do now. Chuck and Marguerite, Jean and Ted Lewis, Anita and Dan Adams, Claude and Shirley Robson, Lee and Kay Mitchener, Aaron Brawn, Brian and Darlene Penny, Marg Beatty and sidekick Tom, Alison and Scott Hampton, Al Maertz, Brent Mawdsley and the recent birthday boy, Ray Brendzy are included. On an ad hoc basis Krista Ferguson graces our halls. In the roll call of ability it doesn't get much better.

The special events offered by the Club over the years is impressive. In the forty five years of its existence we offered Oktoberfests, International Nights, New Years Eves, Anniversary Dances to celebrate our 10th, 20th, 25th, 40th, harbour tours, and mystery bus trips so mysterious we sometimes got lost. When called upon we took part in parades to promote our Square Dance movement. Special outside callers such as Ken Bower, Gary Shoemake, Eldon Slade, Marv Lindner, Cal Golden, Jerry Jestin and others have been brought in for dancer enjoyment. Our ongoing Toys for Tots has raised well over $50,000 in toys and cash which benefits the Community. Giving happiness can make happiness.

The Chuckwagon's have not ignored the civilian scene as well. There have been bowling nights, pub nights, picnics and golf outings. In total we have provided ways and means to make fools of ourselves and enjoy life in many different ways. The opportunities to leave mistakes on the dance floor and carry on in this world have been there to take or leave.

Forty five years of thanks are extended for your being here tonight. We are glad to see you and hope you enjoy your Chuckwagon evening.



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