Summer Newsletter
The summer newsletter is out. Members will have received it by email or ordinary mail by now. If not, or you just want the pdf, it is here.
The dates for dancing startup are:
Advanced | Sept 13 |
Plus | Sept 6 |
(The A level start was moved back due to hall availability)
On Sept 28 Brent will be doing a Western Night at Plus. On Oct 4 A will be hosting Ray's 20th anniversary. Also upcoming soon is the Gary Shoemake dance on Oct 26th.
Entertainment books are available again this year. They are $46 each and include quite a bit of bonus value over last year.
One additional change for this year is "Round of the Month" teach by Alison and Brent. On the first dance night of each month (starting Oct), the cuer will be doing a teach of the ROM from 7:30 to 8:00.
Hope to see you on the dance floor soon!