Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas Newsletter

Barbara has sent along the Christmas newsletter. For full details, see the first comment below.



At 1:41 PM, Blogger Blog said...

CHRISTMAS Newsletter for Chuckwagon 8’s December 2007-11-27
Christmas is almost here and our 2007 dancing season is coming to an end. Hopefully everyone has had an enjoyable time dancing to our callers Ray & Christine Brendzy, Brent & Therese Mawdsley and Alison & Scott Hampton. Thank you to them and to all our club members for a fun and successful squaredance year.
As 2008 approaches our club has a new executive to “take care of business”. We welcome the new executive – positions as follows.
President Couple................... unfilled at this time ***feel free to volunteer***
Vice Pres. Couple.................. Brian & Gerry Catterall
Treasurer Couple Ron & Barb Brisebois
Secretary Couple Karen & Dan Carter
A2 Co-ordinator Jack & Yvonne Power
Plus Co-ordinator Gary & Sherry Long
Social Convenor Len & Joan Osborne
Fvs&rda Rep. Eileen & Bill Mallory
Past President Guy & Barbara Tryssenaar

“Welcome to the new members of the executive and thank you for volunteering to assist in the running of your club.
To the outgoing executive members – Barry & Elaine Bentley as past president couple; Gerry & Connie Perras as vice president couple; Bel & Ron Bishop as treasurer couple; Chuck Sheenan & Daphne Green as secretary couple; Ilona & Walter Witt as Plus co-ordinators and Barry & Carol Scott as advanced co-ordinators a very large thank you for your service to your club! Everyone did a wonderful job and were enjoyable to work with. Thank you!

We are all looking forward to our catered Christmas dinner (A2 – Dec. 12, Plus Dec. 13th) with the usual Christmas festivities Unfortunately Guy & I will not be able to attend as he will be recuperating from his operation. We will however be with you in spirit. So enjoy the last night of dancing.

START-UP DATES for the 2008 season
A2 January 9th – April 30th
Plus January 10th - April 24th
PACKAGE FEES for Spring 2008 are
A2....... $145.00

**** These figures represent a savings of $25.00 so make sure that you take advantage of the saving.”
We look back with fond memories of our 2007 activities. A good time was had by all at both our pub-nite and our golf/dinner day in May. Dancing Through the Decades was a fun dance enjoyed by both levels of dancers and the square dance community. The A2 teach was a huge success and we have gained a few new members from it. Kudos go to those people who organized and participated in these events.

As the New Year approachs we all look forward to another year of wonderful dancing with our terrific callers , cuer and our many squaredance friends

The new executive has not met yet so there are not any definite plans for extra activities at this time. Probably we will have another Pub-Nite as it is a good venue to get the dancers from both nights together along with their friends in a social atmosphere. We are trying to arrange a dance that highlights our Chuckwagon’s calling and cueing talent but do not have a definitive date yet. Look forward to that.

The new executive will appreciate any imput from the dancers so that if you have any ideas please inform an executive member.
Remember this is your club and the more you give to it the better
it will be!

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperious New Year.


Barbara & Guy Tryssenaar
President Couple 2006/2007


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