Monday, December 10, 2007

Federation Newsletter December 2007

Nick & Mary Anne Turner have forwarded the newsletter. For full text, see the first comment below.



At 1:30 PM, Blogger Blog said...

Federation Newsletter December 2007

Greetings to all.

Another year is almost gone and it is amazing how many clubs have celebrated, or are planning to celebrate, their 50th Anniversary. If your club or Association has an anniversary coming up or a cuer or caller reaching a milestone in 2008, please let Ken Crisp know so that the Federation can have the appropriate Crest or Certificate ready for presentation.

I am delighted to announce that the Round Dance Festival, held in Powell River, made an overall profit of $4400.00. This will be shared between the two sponsoring clubs - The Island Gems and Suncoast Dancers - and the Federation.
This shows that smaller Festivals can be very successful and can be planned and produced by a small number of people willing to put in the time, effort and enthusiasm. Do read the Festival Guidelines on the web site: These guidelines can be found on the home page at the bottom right hand side of the subject bars. Get inspired!

One outcome of the Festival is a renewal of interest to hold Round Dance events for the Phase lll & lV Round Dancers and the first of these events will be held in Chase in September 2008. Congratulations Region 9 Round Dancers for making an idea a reality. Stay tuned for details.

Don't forget that the 16th Canadian National Square and Round Dance Convention, will be held in London, Ontario July 17, 18, & 19, 2008. Visit their website and register now!

Roy and Janet Ballam (Region 2 Dancer Delegates) have persuaded the Heart and Stroke Foundation to include messages about Square Dancing on their Heart & Stroke Patient Caregiver Message Board. Through this, the Ballams will be able to respond to questions about SD. A great way to make more people aware of SD. Thanks, Roy and Janet.

The Board of Directors meeting will be held in the Wellington Hall in Nanaimo on March 29th, 2008.

Details and a proposed Agenda will be sent out in January along with information about motels hotels and restaurants. I urge all Region Associations to elect or appoint their full slate of Delegates and encourage them to attend. Let them know of any concerns, plans, projects or business your Association or any of its members wish to bring up at the meeting. If you have an item for the Agenda, please send it to me so that I can include it. Thanks.

Please remember that the Federation is committed to:

Preserving, Promoting and Perpetuating Square, Round, Contra, Clogging and other related dance forms in the Province of British Columbia.

Let's not be afraid to encourage and support any and all new ideas that will help in this commitment. Please get creative and come up with ideas and projects that will promote dancing or help dance leaders.

Unfortunately the majority of us live in our own little dance world, whether it be Square, Round, Contra or Clogging and often we perceive new ideas to be either a threat to what we enjoy or of no use to our particular needs - so we react negatively to new and innovative ideas.

If your club is thriving with lots of new dancers ready to ensure strong continuity, count your blessings! If your club is slowly fading through attrition, ask yourselves if you are willing to just let it slip away or are you ready to make changes necessary for survival and new growth.

Dancing, whether it be Square, Round, Contra, Clogging, Ballroom, Social, Hip Hop, Occasional - whatever the form - is one of life's true joys. We all know how much pleasure Square and Round Dancing have brought to us. I believe we all have a duty to see that they both continue in some form or other for another 50 years. Let's be part of their evolution, not their extinction.

On behalf of the Executive, Mary Anne and I wish you a very happy Christmas and a 2008 that brings you good health, laughter and a ton of happy dancing.

Nick and Mary Anne Turner
Williams Lake, BC


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