Tuesday, August 17, 2010

2010 Summer Newsletter.

Andrew and I hope you are all having a good summer and have managed to get in some dancing along with all your other activities.
We hear Penticton was a lot of fun and that Ray was the Saturday night M C, The Chuckwagons 8s had the most pre- registered dancers attending and received an award presented to Chuck Sheehan and Daphne Green for the Club.

The Annual Golf and Dinner at Country Meadows was a great success with 86 people attending the dinner.
George and Katy Bruschinsky did a wonderful job again in organizing and managed to get lots of good prizes.
Also hear Ray won a prize again for longest drive (Men) and Ginette Grenier  (womens)- good job!

Ray Brendzy and Alison Hampton will be calling and cueing at the A2 level starting on Wednesday September 8th at Charles Rummel Hall – ending December 8th.

Brent Mawdsley will be calling and cueing Plus level at Burnaby Lake Pavilion on Thursday September 9th – ending December 9th.
No dancing on November 11th (Remembrance day).

It is the executive’s decision that we needed to change the membership fee to $10.00 per person. This is still a very good deal and it allows you to enjoy the Christmas dinner and Golf dinner at a subsidised rate.
The nightly dance admission will remain the same.
Those members wishing to buy a package deal will save $25.00 per couple for the September to December season.

A2 – 14 nights of dancing could be $140.00 or  $115.00 per couple with the package.

Plus – 13 nights of dancing could be $130.00 or  $ 105.00 per couple with the package.

Please remember to bring cash or a cheque the first night of dancing. Also you will need to pay the Fraser Valley Square and Round Dance Association Assessment of $20.00 (which includes compulsory insurance) this applies for the full year 2010-2011.

We are planning some fun things for the season so come on out and enjoy yourselves.

The Toys for Tot’s dance will be held on December 4th at Charles Rummel Hall, with Ray Brendzy calling.
Ray has been donating his time since 1992 to call this dance for us.

The Road Runners have looked after this dance successfully for many years but due to falling numbers can no longer continue.
We would like to thank them for all the time, money and effort they have put into making this a success and for all the toys donated to the Burnaby Christmas Bureau.

Chuckwagon 8’s will now again look after this dance with the Road Runners help, under the capable hands of Barry and Elaine Bentley.
Keep saving your Canadian Tire dollars and don’t forget to hand them in early so that toy’s can be purchased with them for the children, after all that’s what Christmas is all about.

Talking about Christmas, our Catered Christmas dinner will be on the 8th December for A2 and 9th December for Plus, so mark your calendars now.

The Club will again be selling Entertainment Book’s in the Fall so we hope you will buy them from us and support your club.

We have a Blog site, so any one wanting to look at it go to http://c8announce.blogspot.com you will find some interesting photos and memories.

Enjoy the rest of your summer.

Andrew and Bernice Newey – President couple.


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